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Treatment of Ear Infections in Dogs

Ear infections are a common issue for dogs, and can lead to serious consequences for your pup's health if left untreated. Our Benton vets list signs that your pooch may have this condition and share treatment options. 

Your Dog's Ears

The shape of your dog's ear canals leaves them more prone to ear infections than people. This is especially true if your dog spends a lot of time in water or has long, floppy ears. Moisture can easily become trapped in their ears, which creates an ideal environment for bacteria to thrive and infection to develop. 

To prevent your pup's ears from becoming infected, you'll need to give them a little extra tender, loving care. If your dog does develop an ear infection, a vet will typically be able to treat it quickly and easily if the condition is detected early. If you notice signs of an ear infection, don't take a wait-and-see approach to find out if it will improve on its own, as ear infections can easily progress to more severe symptoms and cause significant pain and balance and coordination issues. Severe infections can even lead to facial paralysis. 

How Canine Ear Infections Happen

Though bacteria are the most common cause of ear infections in dogs, fungus, yeast, and ear mites can also cause painful infections. In other cases, trauma, tumors, foreign objects in the ear, or polyps can contribute to infection. 

The three types of ear infections that can occur in dogs are classified by where in the ear the infection is located:

  • Outer ear infections (otitis external) 
  • Middle ear infections (otitis media) 
  • Inner ear infections (otitis internal) 

Signs of Ear Infections in Dogs 

If you've ever wondered how you would know if your dog has an ear infection, you're among many concerned dog owners who have asked the same question. Ear infections can be very painful or uncomfortable for your canine companion, just as they can for people.

If your dog displays any of the symptoms listed below, they may be experiencing an ear infection. Contact your vet as soon as possible to book an appointment, as early treatment of ear infections can help prevent more severe symptoms and reduce the risks of complications. 

If your pooch is suffering from an ear infection, you may notice one or more of these symptoms:

  • Redness inside the ear 
  • Head shaking 
  • Rubbing or pawing at the ear 
  • Yellow, brown, or bloody discharge
  • Odor in the ear 
  • Head tilting 
  • Swelling of the ear 
  • Scabs or crust just inside the ear

If your dog's ear infection is more severe, you may notice other signs, such as:

  • Indications of hearing loss
  • Loss of coordination or balance
  • Unusual eye movements
  • Walking in circles

If you notice any of the signs listed above, these are classified as veterinary emergencies that should be treated right away. Contact your vet as soon as possible to arrange care.

Diagnosing Ear Infections in Dogs 

Your veterinarian will start by examining your dog's ear canal using an otoscope, then take a sample of debris from the ear to assess under a microscope. From there, they can determine whether your dog has an infection in one or both ears, and if bacteria, yeast, ear mites, foreign body, or another contaminant is causing the issue. 

How to Treat Ear Infections in Dogs

If your dog has been diagnosed with an ear infection, your vet will likely clean your dog's ears during your appointment, then identify suitable treatment options based on your canine companion's specific condition and needs. 

Treatment options for ear infections in dogs can include:

  • Regularly cleaning your pup's ears at home with a medicated cleanser 
  • Oral antibiotics
  • Topical medications (with instructions on how and when to apply it to your dog's ear at home)
  • Anti-inflammatory medications 

With treatment, early-stage ear infections will usually clear up within a week or two. If your dog's ear infection is more severe or is caused by an underlying health condition, treatment may be more challenging and may take months to resolve. More severe cases could result in chronic ear infections in your dog and increase the chance of repeat infections over their lifetime.

Carefully following your veterinarian's instructions will be essential to clear up your dog's ear infection as quickly as possible. Not finishing prescriptions or stopping treatment before the infection has completely cleared can lead to a recurring infection that becomes increasingly difficult to treat.

While you may be tempted to treat your dog's ear infection at home with products such as peroxide, we do not recommend doing so. This may cause severe inflammation and could worsen the infection. 

We recommend booking a follow-up appointment with your vet after the course of treatment is complete so they can assess your pup to ensure the infection is completely cleared up and that further treatment is not needed. 

How to Prevent Your Dog From Getting an Ear Infection

At Saline County Animal Clinic, we believe that prevention is always better than treatment when it comes to ear infections. To help prevent ear infections it is important to keep your dog's ears clean and dry. Talk to your vet about the best cleaning solution for your pup and take the time to give your dog a weekly ear cleaning. It is also a good idea to dry your dog's ears if they have spent time in the water. 

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Is your dog displaying symptoms of an ear infection or other ear-related condition? Contact our Benton vets to book an examination for your pup.

Welcoming Cats & Dogs to Our Animal Hospital

Saline County Animal Clinic welcomes cats, dogs, and their people to our clinic! Our experienced vets are passionate about the health of Benton dogs and cats. Get in touch to book your pet's appointment.

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