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Ruptured Eardrums in Dogs: Symptoms & Treatment

Do you think your dog might be ignoring you? There's a chance your pooch has a ruptured eardrum. Our vets in Benton discuss how to tell if your dog may have a ruptured eardrum, and share tips for treating this canine condition.

Your Dog's Eardrum 

The eardrum is a thin layer of tissue located deep within your dog's ear canal. It separates the middle and inner ear from the external ear. The eardrum's primary function is to transmit sounds from the outer ear, through the ear canal and to the bones (the malleus, incus, and stapes) in the middle ear. Sounds pass through these bones to the brain, where they are processed. 

The eardrum is extremely delicate and prone to damage during ear cleaning or from disease or infection. Unfortunately, a variety of issues, like illness, severe infection, and injury, can lead to a ruptured eardrum. 

Any problem with a dog's eardrum is a severe health issue that requires immediate veterinary attention. 

How to Know If Your Dog's Eardrum Has Ruptured 

If your dog does not respond to their name being called, you may suspect they are ignoring you. However, if your dog has a ruptured eardrum, they may be actually unable to hear sounds. 

If you've noticed any of these symptoms in your dog, you should take him to a veterinarian right away for emergency care:

  • Ear pain 
  • Sudden hearing loss 
  • Pus-like discharge from the ear 
  • An inflamed or red ear canal 
  • Head tilting 
  • Head shaking 
  • Incoordination or stumbling 
  • Paralysis of the face, including the inability to blink 
  • Nystagmus or eyes that dart back and forth 

Neurological signs like nystagmus, stumbling, or a drooping face may point to other serious health problems, If your dog shows any of these signs, it's important to take them to the vet immediately. 

Causes of Ruptured Eardrums in Dogs 

Various factors may be to blame for your dog's rupture eardrum. Many of these can be prevented with caution. Here are some common causes of eardrum ruptures in dogs:

Ear Infections – The leading cause of eardrum rupture, ear infections may become chronic, which can result in long-term inflammation. When the fragile membrane of the eardrum ruptures, yeast and bacteria from the outer ear can enter the middle and inner ear, leading to a more severe infection. 

Masses or Polyps – If a mass or polyp grows too large within your dog's ear canal, it can press against and rupture the eardrum. 

Trauma – A dog's eardrum can be damaged due to a traumatic injury such as falling from a great height or being hit by a car. 

Loud Noises – If your dog is too close to a loud noise, this can result in a ruptured eardrum. Gunshots or fireworks displays are among the loud noises that can harm your dog's ears. While loud noise from afar won't be dangerous, being too close to an extremely loud noise will hurt your pup's ears. 

Drastic Changes in Atmospheric Pressure: An eardrum rupture can be caused by sudden and severe changes in air pressure, such as during a flight in an airplane.

Foreign Object in the Ear: Did you know that a dog's ear canal is L-shaped, making it hard to puncture the eardrum? Even though it is a rare case, migrating foxtail can enter the body and migrate into tissues, causing abscesses and infections. 

How to Know if Your Dog's Eardrum Has Ruptured

A veterinarian can determine if your dog's eardrum has ruptured. If your dog has significant swelling, ear debris, or pain, they will most likely require sedation or anesthesia. Pain relievers and general anesthesia can help your dog remain calm and relaxed while the injured ear is cleaned and examined.

After your dog is sedated (if necessary), the veterinarian will gently flush out debris to clean the ear canal. After cleaning the ear, an otoscope can be used to examine the eardrum to determine if it is perforated.

Your veterinarian may order additional diagnostic tests, like bloodwork, to rule out other possible causes and determine the presence of an infection. In some cases, a CT scan may be necessary to determine if an eardrum has ruptured and if there is an infection in the inner ear.

How to Treat Eardrum Ruptures in Dogs

If your dog's eardrum ruptures, your veterinarian will explain the available treatment options to you. A thorough ear flushing is required to remove any foreign matter or pus, which is usually performed under sedation.

Your dog may also require oral antifungal and antibiotic medications. If your dog is in pain or has inflammation, corticosteroids may be prescribed.

It is critical to avoid over-the-counter medications because they can harm your dog. In severe cases, surgery may be required to repair extensive damage caused by a ruptured eardrum. Your vet will recommend the best surgical procedure for your dog.

Helping Your Dog Recover From a Ruptured Ear Drum

If your dog has a ruptured eardrum, following your veterinarian's treatment plan is important. If surgery is not necessary, the eardrum will usually heal on its own within three to six weeks.

However, if your dog needs surgery, the recovery period will be longer, and they will require more frequent veterinary visits. Depending on the severity of the rupture, your dog may experience permanent hearing loss or neurological complications.

Listening to your veterinarian's advice and caring for your pet accordingly is critical.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Do you suspect your dog may have a ruptured eardrum? Contact our Benton vets to schedule an appointment for your four-legged companion.

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